
Passive House for Everyone


This project is a transformative educational initiative that serves as a dynamic display for addressing environmental and social crises. Its design intent is to empower current and future generations with the knowledge, skills, and agency to tackle climate change and sustainability issues. The interactive climate sustainability exhibition consists of two structures: one to the local building requirements, and the other to the international Passive House standard. Through scientific public demonstration, the exhibition showcases the benefits of energy-efficient performing buildings strategies by comparing two ice-filled structures to see which keeps the heat out better. This hands-on approach allows students and the community to witness the tangible impact of sustainable architectural design on reducing carbon emissions. A distinguishing aspect of the project is its commitment to fostering innovation and imagination among youth, equipping them with essential tools to devise groundbreaking solutions. Overall, this display stands as a beacon of creative and actionable sustainability education, empowering individuals to be environmental and social agents of change in building a more sustainable world.

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