Join AIA Brooklyn at an “Ask Me Anything” Event
Thursday, February 13
Brooklyn Borough Hall
209 Joralemon St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
1.5 LU HSW
Join the AIA Brooklyn Emerging Professionals committee (BKEP) and AIA Brooklyn Women in Architecture (WIA) for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) event on Thursday, February 13th, at the storied Brooklyn Borough Hall in Downtown Brooklyn. A panel of experienced designers and resume reviewers will provide tips to sharpen and revamp your CV.
Enjoy one NYC’s most famous, most photographed interiors – the old court room. Law & Order fans will recognize it immediately.
Be sure to arrive plenty early, as entering Borough Hall is like boarding an airplane. We’ll be enjoying light refreshments on the balcony adjacent to the courtroom, but please note that food and drink are not permitted in the landmark courtroom.
Bring copies of your CV to the breakout sessions for individual and collective feedback about how to make it better.
The AMA Event will be followed by the AIA Brooklyn February General Meeting, which is composed of chapter business and networking.